BRICS Network of Educational Centers & Scientific Think Tanks (BRICS NECSTT) was founded on the initiative of Lomonosov Moscow State University as one of the key results of the Congress “Globalistics-2015”

Coordination of the Network was committed to the Faculty of Global Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University as one of the leading scientific and educational centers in Russia in the field of international relations, global studies and geopolitics. The scientific school of the Faculty of Global Studies is headed by the Dean of the faculty, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Ilya V. Ilyin.
In accordance with the Resolution of the International conference “BRICS in the Era of Global Social Transformations” dated May 24, 2024, it was proposed to give the BRICS Network of Educational Centers and Scientific Think Tanks the status of an international consortium with the abbreviated name BRICS+ NECSTT (Consortium).
BRICS NECSTT goals and objectives
  • Assistance in the formation of a common research and educational space of BRICS+
  • International exchange of advanced research results of the BRICS+ member states
  • Improving the quality of research, higher education and postgraduate studies at the leading BRICS+ educational centers and scientific think tanks
  • Establishing partnerships between the leading BRICS+ educational centers and scientific think tanks
  • Proposing in the field of a common reserch and educational policy of the BRICS+ member states in the context of the polycentric system of international relations formation
  • Implementating mechanisms of:
    • joint research projects
    • joint supervision of postgraduate research
    • short-term joint educational programs
    • academic mobility of students, postgraduate students professors and researchers
    • other forms of international cooperation consistent with the goals of the Network
Events of BRICS+ NECSTT (Consortium)
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